NE Methodist Cemetery
101 Cemetery Road, North East, MD 21901
February 17
March 23
May 18
November 2

To enable the proper maintenance of the cemetery in a manner befitting your loved ones, your cooperation regarding the following regulations will be greatly appreciated:
No planting trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers, etc. permitted at any time.
No fertilizer or weed killer may be used at any time.
Winter decoration clean-up will begin during the month of February.
During the lawn maintenance season (April 1 – October 31):
Only cut flowers will be permitted in self-supporting containers. No cans, glass, plastic bottles or paper will be allowed as containers for flowers.
No artificial flowers allowed except those in self-supporting containers that are part of, attached to, or immediately adjacent to the headstones.
No fences or ironwork will be permitted.
No statues or ornaments (i.e. balloons, streamers) of any kind except Veteran’s flags will be allowed on burial sites.
North East United Methodist Cemetery will be open from sunrise to sunset.
The cemetery has the authority to remove any items which are contrary to the regulations, or which in its judgment have deteriorated and no longer contribute to the beauty or dignity of the cemetery. The cemetery is not responsible for items removed.
For more information, call 410.287.9312
Please do not call the church office.